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Wood Therapy Body Contouring

What is wood Therapy?

What is wood Therapy?

In short, wood therapy uses several different wooden massage-like tools to help break down fat and cellulite. The wooden instruments are used to apply direct pressure to “problem areas” and essentially naturally eliminate excess body fat. The wood therapy we know today is based on an ancient Oriental wood manipulation that dates back hundreds of years!

Wood therapy uses several wooden massage-like tools to help break down fat and cellulite. The wooden instruments apply direct pressure to “problem areas” and naturally eliminate excess body fat. The wood therapy we know today is based on an ancient Oriental wood manipulation that dates back hundreds of years!

Price: $195

Are wood Therapy and Body Contouring the Same Thing?

Not really. They are technically two different types of treatments but have basically the same goals. Wood therapy helps to break down your body fat while body contouring helps to tighten your skin and improve elasticity. There is a wide variety of different body contouring therapies, some more surgical in nature than others, but that’s a whole different blog post, my friends!

Are wood Therapy and Body Contouring the Same Thing?
Does wood Therapy Work

Does wood Therapy Work

This is a tough one because everyone’s body responds differently to certain therapies. There are also other factors like age, weight, and frequency of treatment to consider as well. But for me, I found it both super relaxing and helpful! I would typically go once a week after working out with my trainer because I found it really helped with loosening my tight muscles and helping to naturally rid my body of toxins.

You can also check out my other blog post to learn more about My Experience with Wood Therapy Body Contouring!

Is Wood Therapy Safe?

Since wood therapy is a 100 percent natural, non-invasive holistic massage treatment, it is generally considered safe. However, as I mentioned you should always consult with your doctor or massage therapist prior to beginning any new treatments just to be sure that this type of treatment is right for you!

Is Wood Therapy Safe?
What Does wood Therapy Feel Like?

What Does wood Therapy Feel Like?

I used to laugh because I would think about it kind of feeling like Chase running his toy trucks on my body only a little more relaxing and with nice smelling candles and spa music! I experienced a bit of discomfort during my first few sessions because it was a new feeling for my body and you have to work with your massage therapist to figure out the appropriate amount of pressure to apply (kind of like a regular massage too).

But after a while, I just felt so relaxed both during and after my sessions. This natural way of implementing repetitive movements with wooden tools to manipulate the stubborn areas of fat is surprisingly satisfying.

One of the strangest experiences was the feeling of the Vacuum Swiss Cup that they use to suction fat from areas of your body and transfer it to the lymph nodes, helping you to tone, and reduce cellulite. It feels kind of like someone is trying to give you a giant hickey!

Does Wood Therapy Hurt?

I’m not going to lie, when I first saw some of the wooden instruments they use, I thought they looked like something straight out of Christian Grey’s playroom ha-ha! But after feeling them on my body, I promise they’re not that bad!

As for the massage itself, the first few sessions that I had were a bit uncomfortable because I had more cellulite around the back of my legs and bum which required a lot of pressure to work out. But after going for a few weeks, I noticed that it became more relaxing and enjoyable and felt more like your average spa massage.

Does Wood Therapy Hurt?
How Long Does It Take to See Results?

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

This is another tricky one because it all depends on how often you’re willing to go. But typically, you’re able to see a small difference right after your first treatment. But most people really start to see the effects between their third and fifth treatments.

How Long Do Results Last?

Wood therapy is most effective as an ongoing treatment, like how regular massage therapy works. The more consistent you are with it, the more noticeable and longer lasting the effects will be. However, the results that you experience will usually stick around for about three months after your last session which is great. So don’t worry if you miss a session or two, your progress won’t be lost!

How Long Do Results Last?

What are the benefits of wood Therapy?

There are many benefits to getting wood therapy, which is why I made it a regular part of my workout and self-care routine. In addition to being super relaxing and stress-relieving, wood therapy can help with:

  • Loosening tight muscles
  • Breaking down cellulite and burning fat
  • Naturally eliminating toxins in your body
  • Speeding up your metabolism
  • Stimulating blood circulation and lymphatic drainage
  • and more!
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