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Booty Facial Treatment 60 min

booty facial treatment

Take care of your body – it’s the only place you have to live

Have you heard about Booty Facial Treatment yet? These amazing skincare treatments are the next big thing in beauty. This luxury treatment targets a variety of booty skin issues. Like the skin on your face, the skin on your booty is prone to dryness, flakiness, loss of elasticity, firmness, and inflammation.

Our aesthetician is going to take into account all of these factors before they begin treatment. After the evaluation, the appropriate technique has been selected and applied. The treatment involves a combination of detoxifying, exfoliating, extractions, microdermabrasion, zapping with high frequency, massaging, masking, brushing. When it is over your booty will feel smooth and delicate to touch and relaxed.

Booty or the buttocks is one of the most neglected areas of the body, it’s often hard to see what’s going on back there (literally), so we can take care of that for you. Having smooth, even skin everywhere always makes everyone feel a bit more confident. Our booty facial treatment is a great way to prevent ingrown hairs and acne, stimulate collagen, brighten and soften the skin while smoothing cellulite.

Not only is this treatment relaxing, it’s also very effective in polishing away these impurities and clogged pores with our diamond microdermabrasion, so our active products can go to work to help even-out the skin tone leaving your skin soft and smooth.

This treatment is customized to each client's concerns. Still, it can include Detoxifying, exfoliation, extractions, microdermabrasion, and zapping away any blemishes with high frequency to help calm inflammation and detoxify the skin from all trapped bacteria. But our favorite part is we always perform our body scrub and customized mask, leaving you with a smooth, much brighter, and tighter-looking booty.

Price: $175

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