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Custom Peel

Custom Peel

Custom Peel

Chemical peels are a non-surgical treatment that can rejuvenate the skin and treat various cosmetic issues. A chemical peel uses a unique combination of chemicals and exfoliants to remove the top layer of damaged or discolored skin.

Do you want a chemical that is custom-tailored for your skin type? At Glow Skincare by Angela, our experts can customize and blend a chemical peel to meet your specific goals and skin type. We offer a variety of chemical peels, including TCA, salicylic, glycolic, phenol, resorcinol, and Retin A. Not all chemical peels are the same. Glow Skincare by Angela customizes your medical-grade chemical peel to achieve brighter, tighter, and younger skin. Depending on your skin tone, we will use a different level of prescription-strength chemical peel. The texture and elasticity of your skin will also determine it.

Furthermore, we will always take your skin condition into account. Our peels are available in three depths: superficial, medium, and deep. This corresponds to treating your skin's outer, middle, or deep layers.

An aesthetic medicine specialist will apply a custom chemical peel to exfoliate damaged, rough, and wrinkled skin to reveal brighter, more even-toned skin. This will cause the outer layer of your skin to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The newly regenerated skin is, therefore, smoother with less wrinkling.

Price: $175

In Apple Valley, California, We Offer Incredible Custom Peels.

Consider a chemical peel if you are looking for a non-invasive yet effective way to improve your skin. It can aid in treating fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation, and rough skin. While we recommend chemical peels to many of our patients, you should avoid them if you are pregnant or lactating, have active herpes or warts, have a history of abnormal scarring, or are taking Accutane or similar medications.

In Apple Valley, California, We Offer Incredible Custom Peels.

Benefits of a Chemical Peel:

  • Peels can improve the performance of your skin and skin-care serums. Your skin-care products will work better after a peel because there are no dead cells to obstruct their penetration.
  • Peels are low-risk, and you can get a custom peel. There are chemical peels suitable for all skin types and pose no risk of hyperpigmentation. Each solution is tailored to your specific skin type.
  • The right peel can treat acne while softening the scars accompanying it. Acid solutions will penetrate deep into the skin to unclog pores. As a result, blackheads dissolve, and post-acne marks gradually fade.
  • This peel also treats Melasma effectively. Although Melasma has no permanent cure, chemical peels provide the best fighting chance.
  • A peel can help with fine lines and wrinkles by increasing collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin. In addition, fine lines and wrinkles will gradually improve.

We can design a customized chemical peel treatment plan and provide an accurate price quote and treatment regimen during a consultation.

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